Friday 5 July 2013

U-KISS Profile

   (L to R) Hoon, AJ, Soohyun, Eli, Kevin, Kiseop & Dongho

Name - U-KISS
Hangul - 유키스
Name Meaning - Ubiquitous Korean International Idol Super Star
Entertainment Company - NH Media
Debut  Date - 3rd of September 2008
Fan Club - KISS ME
Fan Colour- Pearl Pink

^-^ Links ^-^ 

^-^ Member Profile ^-^ 

Stage Name - Soohyun
Birth Name – Shin Soohyun
Hangul – 신수현
Date of Birth – 11th of March 1989
Position – Main Vocalist
Weight – 67kg
Height – 1m 81cm
Blood Type - A
Talents – R&B, Dancing, Playing the Piano & Soccer
Favourite Colour – Red
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – SooHyunnies

Facts –
He was previously a trainee under JYP Entertainment and Good Entertainment. He was a trainee for 6 years
When he is nervous, his hands start to tremble.
He loves to flash his abs.
He sometimes dances in his sleep.
His father died when he was in 2nd grade and fainted when received the news.
Soohyun loves receiving fan letters from his fans.
He cares most about Dongho, other member sometimes get really jealous.
He sings in the shower and pretty much anywhere.
He is the best at following rules.
His English name is Mark
Soohyun wants to get marries on stage during a U-KISS promotional tour.
Soohyun would like to become a father.
He loves ‘butt-slapping’ the other U-KISS members.

Stage Name – Kiseop
Birth Name – Lee Kiseop
Hangul – 이기섭
Date of birth – 17th of January 1991
Position – Vocalist, Main Dancer
Weight – 60kg
Height – 1m 80cm
Blood Type – A
Talents – Beat Boxing, Dancing, Acting and Taekwondo (Martial arts/태권도)
Favourite Colour – Black
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – Kiseopians

Facts –
He is afraid of heights, boneless animals, spiders, snakes and scary movies. (He always screams when watching them)
He has a 3rd degree black belt in Taekwondo
His nickname in U-KISS is ‘Snow Seop’
When he becomes nervous he shutters and talks really fast, he also tends to do and say stupidthings and fall over a lot.
KiBeom called him Seoppie for fun.
His favourite cartoon character is Micky Mouse.
He knows the whole choreography to Girls’ Generation’s ‘Gee’
He drools in his sleep.
He is known as aegyo prince when wearing his tiger pyjamas
He brings a lot of skin care products when going overseas.
He talks in his sleep. According to AJ he speaks ‘Alien’
Kiseop is the ‘Fashionista’ of U-KISS.
Kiseop’s favourite band is 2NE1.
Kiseop wants a wedding on the beach.
Kiseop was very popular in high school.
He has 3 piercings.
Kiseop thinks that kevin is most surprising whes he is drunk. He turns to a little cutie pie. He also touches his hips.

 Stage name – Eli
Birth Name – Kim Kyoung Jae
Hangul – 김경재
Date of Birth – 13th March 1991
Position – Vocalist, Main Rapper
Weight – 60kg
Height – 1m 80cm
Blood Type – O
Talents – Taekwondo, Kung Fu, English, Chinese
Favourite Colour – Purple
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names - Elisoniacs

He is allergic to cats.
His favourite cartoon is Pokémon.
His favourite Pokémon is Pikachu.
He has two pet hedgehogs called Eongi and Deongi
He has 5 piercings.
He eats the most out of U-KISS
He is very close to Dongho
He likes to drink coffee a lot and would like to open his own café one day in the future.
He is the best cook in U-KISS.
Eli loves making the other members smile and feel happy when they’re down or become sad.
He doesn’t want Dongho to grow up because he likes being taller than him.
He was once on a potato diet. Now he hates potatoes a lot.
Eli has the largest variety of hair colours in U-KISS.
He can do the splits.
He likes hats, hoodies and big glasses.

 Stage Name- AJ
Birth Name – Kim JaeSeop
Hangul –김재섭
Date of Birth – 4th June 1991
Weight – 58kg
Height – 1m 80cm
Blood Type – A
Position – Vocalist, Dancer, Lead Rapper
Talents – Rap, Playing the Piano
Favourite Colour – Blue
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – AnJels

He doesn’t like doing aegyos.
He is closet to Eli.
He loves Ice-Cream.
He is home schooled.
AJ is allergic to flowers, perfumes, dust or anything really with a strong smell.
Before entering U-KISS, AJ wrote raps at home for fun.
AJ loves to hug people.
He love to compare himself to Eli.

Stage Name – Hoon
Birth Name – Yeo Hoon Min
Hangul –여훈민
Date of Birth – 16th Agust 1991
Weight- 67kg
Height – 1m 81cm
Blood Type – A
Position – Lead Vocalist
Talents – Taekwondo, Snowboarding, Basketball
Favourite Colour –
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – Hoonies (Unofficial)

Facts –
He had never danced before debuting with U-KISS.
When he gets nervous his ears get red.
Hoon was voted the most ‘buff’ and ‘nicest body’ among the U-KISS members.
He doesn’t cry easily.
He likes girls with soft, small hands.
His favourite food is Ice-Cream.
Hoon is addicted to anime.

Stage Name – Kevin
Birth Name – Woo Sunghyun
Hangul – 우성현
Birthday – 25th November 1991
Weight – 50kg
Height – 1m 78cm
Blood Type – O
Position – Lead Vocalist, Main Vocalist
Talents – Dancing, Guitar, Piano
Favourite Colour – Blue
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – Kevinians

Facts –
He eats very, very slowly.
He is the best dancer in U-KISS.
He loves Ice-Cream and Candy.
His favourite cartoon is Tweety.
He thinks he’s really funny.
When not on camera, he can’t stay still and has to do stuff e.g He’ll dance, fidget, look at himself in the mirror etc… etc… etc…
He was a trainee for 4 years.
He has a habit of replying to a text message that is no related to what the sender asked.
He spells a lot of Korean words wrong. He is teased by Dongho when caught by him.
When asked in an interview what sport they likes, Kevin say ‘I liked to watch sumo’.
Kevin’s ringtone is usually U-KISS’s most recent song.
Kevin’s favourite girl band is 2NE1.
Kevin cried when watching Avatar and Titanic.
Kevin wants a wedding on the beach.
Kevin loves being carried on other people’s backs.

Eli: I don’t get why girls wear heels.
Kevin: They look better because they are taller and it makes their legs look skinnier.
Alexander: How do you know?
Kevin: -grin- cause I tried it.

Stage Name – Dongho
Birth Name – Shin Dongho
Hangul –신동호
Date of Birth – 29th June 1994
Weight – 62kg
Height – 1m 78cm
Blood Type – B
Position – Lead Rapper, Leader Dancer, Vocalist
Talents – Chinese, Rapping, Baseball, Golf, Soccer, Playing the Drums
Favourite Colours- Pink
Official Twitter –
Individual Fan Names – Dongholics

He has a dog that is called Bbo Bbo.
He listens more than actually talks.
He is called ‘Donglebee’ by the other members sometimes.
He bites his nails.
He enjoys knitting during his car rides because he would get sick or get a headache if on his laptop or phone.
He is obsessed with stuffed bears and his favourite is Winnie the Pooh.
He is very revengeful.
When going on trips he is the one who prepares himself ‘perfectly’.
He doesn’t like other people touching his hair.
Dongho thought that Kevin was the Mankae once.
Dongho has been diagnosed with Hypochondria. (It means that he will try to find a sickness that he has and try to cure it by taking a lot of useless medicine)
Dongho wants a simple marriage at a church.
The laziest person to wake up is none other than our handsome maknae, Dongho.

He can lose his wallet five times a year minimum. 

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