Sunday 11 August 2013

RWSTH - EXO Sleeping Position

Okaii, So Today I (Peace) was looking through our stats since we haven't been online that much in the past week. So I'm lookin everythings good...

And then I see THIS...

EXO SLEEPING POSITION?!?!?! I, of course being me, I burst out laughing and I laughed for the next half an hour. BUT THEN, it got me thinking. WTF is it? Picture, Video or What???

So i started reseraching. So i went on Google Images and searched up 'WTF EXO SLEEPING POSITIONS'

And This Popped Up -

Kris - So tall that his legs stick out like 20 cm only a little. (Mine stcik out too although I'm 1m 65cm. Because I Sleep On My Freinds Couch which is like 1.50cm in lenght) (Yeah, I Sleep on a couch).

Luhan - All Prettly sleeping Lulu (Maybe Like Lexie)

Xiumin - IDK how you can sleep on your back, because in the morning you wake up with a super stiff neck that you can't bend for the next day.

Chen - Ventilation of the Palms, Wrists, Lower and Upper arm as well as the shoulders.

Lay - Lay's like me, the pillow goes magically missing in the night. Your really peaceful until that God Damn pillow goes missing. You start looking for it and then you just give up and your like 'Just Fuck This'.

Tao - With the little teddy panda. Everyone has a favourite teddy bear of some sort but my cousin actually had a blanket. Oh and may I mention he still sleeps with it although he is like 16 and counting. Seriously he goes on every trip with it.(He's Weird)

Kai - The Ventilation of the Upper back, Right Foot and the Lower Left Leg. THAT'S SO FAITH. Seriously, she like plays football in her sleep. She changes position every ten seconds

Sehun - I WANT MY TEDDY BEAR, MY BEGGING ISN'T WORKING!!! SUHO I WANT MY TEDDY!!!! SUHO... SUHO??? Fuck This, I'm Just Gonna Hug the Pillow for comfort and think that I'm hugging Luhan.

D.O - scared of the dark or else thinking that lightning will struck him at night. (I though that i would get struck by lighting if I didn't hide under the duvet when I was younger.)

Suho - All nice and quiet and cozy on his side

And Then there's Baekhyun and Chanyeol........
WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE!?!?! I didn't search this up for porn!!! Chanyeol, You so nasty!!!

Credits to the Picture Owner & Creator

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